Sunday, October 30, 2011

3rd Grade Math Worksheets Are Up!

Children today appear to be learning math at a younger age than before. In third grade, they are already able to do basic fractions, multiplication and division. They have totally mastered addition and subtraction. I hope that teachers everywhere will use my worksheets and spread the word about my website. We thrive by word of mouth. As usual, all the worksheets in my website are free, I'm not even trying to sell anything. One of the reasons I make these worksheets and homework problems is because I want people who don't have a lot of money to still be able to teach their children mathematics. Anyways, come take a look at my third grade worksheets and like us on Facebook if you like them!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

New 2nd (second) grade math worksheets posted!

After coming home from a long day at school, I managed to pick myself up and create at least 5 new worksheets for 2nd grade math. The worksheets deal with addition of triple digit numbers, subtraction of double digit numbers and adding the hours on a clock. Every second grader should be able to tell time and schedule things. It also appears that many 1st and 2nd grade math worksheets have about the same level of difficulty in the arithmetic. The real fun doesn't start until 3rd grade and beyond. See to view the material.

1st Grade Math Worksheets Added

I got started on creating my elementary school worksheets page. I have already created four worksheets for 1st grade math. The worksheets I created all deal with addition of single and double numbers. I remember when I used to have to do these worksheets when I was in school, now its my turn to give back to the community. And yes, all these worksheets are free as usual. Visit to see the site!